Get Your Value Builder™ Score 

SmartWeb® your 3-Yr Plan on a page! 

A fantastic way to structure your thinking around your 3-year plan. 
Capture the key elements all in one ‘visual’. 
Sense check ‘in the round’ rather than in a linear fashion! E.g. If we need that many customers in year 3, how many people and of what roles does that need, what impact on products and services etc. 

Undertake Everything DiSC® Profiling 

Everything DiSC® is a personal development learning experience that measures preferences and tendencies based on the DiSC® model. This simple yet powerful model describes four basic styles: D, i, S, and C, and serves as the foundation for the Everything DiSC Application Suite. Participants receive personalized insights that deepen their understanding of self and others, making workplace interactions more enjoyable and effective. 
The result is a more engaged, collaborative workforce that can spark meaningful culture improvement in your organization—whether your workforce is remote, in the office, or somewhere in between. 

Undertake Team Performance Scan™  

Increase team performance through Team Performance Scan. This is your ‘People P&L’ and measures 10 key themes of team performance – five themes that are process based and five that are behavioural. There are 40 individual indicators that are measured and collated. All team members are invited to participate and the resulting report provides key insights to help identify areas to consolidate and areas to act on. 

Listen to ScaleUp Radio® 

A podcast for ambitious business owners who want to transform their business. Each week we interview an owner manager about their individual ScaleUp Journey-what lessons have they learnt along the way, what were the key milestones, what did they get right and wrong-what would they do differently. 
Listen to Jan Cavelle discussing the challenges of Scaling Up with Kevin 

Come to ScaleUp Club® 

Join other ambitious owner managers at our monthly ScaleUp Club® online meeting.